The purpose of the “Liberty in Perpetuity” campaign is to create the digital and physical infrastructure upon which our “liberty friendly” alternative communications and eCommerce channels are built. All donations are greatly appreciated!

Principal among the “liberty friendly alternative communications and eCommerce channels” spoken of in the Declaration is Grackit.

At Grackit you cannot be blocked, doxed, banned, throttled or deplatformed for expressing what you believe to be true. You own your Channel.

Grackit is one of many sites that constitute the systems spoken of in the Declaration of a Peaceful Digital Revolution when it states: “…we can create systems that mitigate the damages of destructive powers.”

Building, owning, and operating these systems is of paramount importance to ensure our freedoms cannot be undermined by “powers that stand against liberty”.

This comprehensive internet ecosystem is the foundation upon which a peaceful, digital revolution is built.

It provides the resources the Digitally United Alliance for Liberty (DUAL) can utilize to avoid providing financial “support [to] those who stand for that which leads to the destruction of our cherished liberties.”

The DUAL infrastructure must be a cost-efficient, scalable system that supports tens of millions of simultaneous users.

Remember our aim, as defined in the Declaration is to: “…abate to the fullest extent possible our reliance upon or our economic support of powers that hold worldviews which, whether by design or not, tend toward the ruination of the freedoms and liberties our progenitors fought so long and hard to bequeath to us…”

Building, owning, and operating our own means of communication and eCommerce requires multiple data centers, servers, load balancers, sub servers, routers, Unix/Linux-based system software, etc, etc, etc.

Additionally, we need highly skilled, well trained and dedicated individuals to operate the hardware and software that is the backbone of our digital revolution.

All this can be “rented” from third party providers but, relying on others keeps us vulnerable to being blocked, doxed, banned, throttled or deplatformed the moment authoritarian powers decide we are a threat to their monolithic control.

We therefore, humbly request you contribute to make this a reality sooner instead of later.

Thank you in advance for what ever you can do for the cause of “Liberty in Perpetuity”.


To reduce our dependents on sources of goods and services that fail to enthusiastically support individual liberty and freedom, over time we must strengthen alternative resources like those listed below.

(Note: some sites still under construction)

Anyone suggesting improvements and/or wishing to participate in the development of these resources and/or to offer additional financial support please contact us below. Thank you!

Text to Voice Blogging

Independent Ad System

Balanced News Aggregator

Daily Devotionals

Buy Anything Locally

Locally Owned Taxis

Faith Friendly Social Sharing

Faith Friendly Cryptocurrency

Faith Friendly Image Sharing

Faith Friendly Market Place

Faith Friendly Web Search

Faith Friendly Text & Talk

Faith Friendly Audio & Video

Balanced News Aggregator

Locally Owned Restaurants

Checking Fact Checkers

The Golden Rule Advocacy

Own Your Channel

Human Crisis Resources

Encouraging Racial Harmony

Live Topical Subject Debates

Digital Publishing Tools

Person to Person Aid

RPN - the opposite of NPR

Independent Reporters

Unsigned Artists' Music

DUAL Business Directory

The Wisdom of Many